Varner, H., Sugerman, G.P., Rausch, M.K. and Cohen, T., 2023. Elasticity of whole blood clots measured via Volume Controlled Cavity Expansion. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 143, p.105901.
Venkatadri, T.K., Henzel, T. and Cohen, T., 2023. Torsion-induced stick-slip phenomena in the delamination of soft adhesives. Soft matter, 19(13), pp.2319-2329.
Li, J., Varner, H. and Cohen, T., 2023. Periodic necking of misfit hyperelastic filaments embedded in a soft matrix. Journal of Mechanics Physics of Solids, 172, p.105171.
Nijjer, J., Cohen, T. & Yan, J. Bacteria surfing the elastic wave. Nature Physics 19, 6–7 (2023).
Kothari M, Cohen T. The crucial role of elasticity in regulating liquid-liquid phase separation in cells. Biomech. Model Mechanobiol. 2023.
Henzel, T., Nijjer, J., Chockalingam, S., Wahdat, H., Crosby, A.J., Yan, J. and Cohen, T., 2022. Interfacial cavitation. PNAS Nexus, 1(4), p.pgac217.
Chockalingam, S., Lem, J. and Cohen, T., 2022. Thermo-chemo-mechanically coupled cavity dynamics and the emergence of multi-phase bursts. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 478(2264), p.20220247.
Li, J., Kothari, M., Chockalingam, S., Henzel, T., Zhang, Q., Li, X., Yan, J. and Cohen, T., 2022. Nonlinear inclusion theory with application to the growth and morphogenesis of a confined body. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 159, p.104709.
Burcat, S., Yue, B., Slocum, A. and Cohen, T., 2022. Investigation of abrasive saw kickback. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics, 28(1), pp.289-304.
Zhang, Q., Li, J., Nijjer, J., Lu, H., Kothari, M., Alert, R., Cohen, T. and Yan, J., 2021. Morphogenesis and cell ordering in confined bacterial biofilms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(31), p.e2107107118.
Li, J., Senthilnathan, C. and Cohen, T., 2021. Observation of ultra-slow shock waves in a tunable magnetic lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 014302.
Ringoot, E., Roch, T., Molinari, J.F., Massart, T.J. and Cohen, T., 2021. Stick–slip phenomena and Schallamach waves captured using reversible cohesive elements. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 155, p.104528.
Chockalingam, S., Roth, C., Henzel, T., and Cohen, T., 2021. Probing local nonlinear viscoelastic properties in soft materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 146, p.104172.
von Streng, V., Abi-Akl, R., Giovanardi, B., and Cohen, T., 2021. Morphogenesis and proportionate growth: A finite element investigation of surface growth with coupled diffusion. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 146, 104211
Mijailovic, A.S., Galarza, S., Raayai-Ardakani, S., Birch, N.P., Schiffman, J.D., Crosby, A.J., Cohen, T., Peyton, S.R. and Van Vliet, K.J., 2021. Localized characterization of brain tissue mechanical properties by needle induced cavitation rheology and volume controlled cavity expansion. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 114, p.104168.
Kothari, M., Lemon, Z.S., Roth, C. and Cohen, T., 2020. Controlled Propagation and Jamming of a Delamination Front. Soft Matter, 16, 9838-9843.
Kim, J.Y., Liu, Z., Weon, B.M., Cohen, T., Hui, C.Y., Dufresne, E.R. and Style, R.W., 2020. Extreme cavity expansion in soft solids: Damage without fracture. Science advances, 6(13), p.eaaz0418.
Kothari, M. and Cohen, T., 2020. Effect of Elasticity on Phase Separation in Heterogeneous Systems. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 145, 1041
Mijailovic, A.S., Galarza, S., Raayai-Ardakani, S., Birch, N.P., Schiffman, J.D., Crosby, A.J., Cohen, T., Peyton, S.R. and Van Vliet, K.J., 2020. Localized characterization of brain tissue mechanical properties by needle induced cavitation rheology and volume controlled cavity expansion. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p.104168.
Abi-Akl, R., and Cohen, T., 2020. Surface growth on a deformable spherical substrate. Mechanics Research Communications, 103, 103457.
Chockalingam, S., and Cohen, T., 2020. Shear shock evolution in incompressible soft solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 134, 103746.
Cohen, T., 2019. Dynamic enlargement of a hole in a sheet: crater formation and propagation of cylindrical shock waves. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 133, 103743.
Raayai-Ardakani, S. and Cohen, T., 2019. Capturing Strain Stiffening Using Volume Controlled Cavity Expansion. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 31, 100536.
Raayai-Ardakani, S., Earl, D.R. and Cohen, T., 2019. The intimate relationship between cavitation and fracture. Soft matter.
Abi-Akl, R., Ledieu, E., Enke, T.N., Cordero, O.X. and Cohen, T., 2019. Physics-based prediction of biopolymer degradation. Soft matter, 15(20), pp.4098-4108.
Raayai-Ardakani, S., Chen, Z., Earl, D.R. and Cohen, T., 2019. Volume-controlled cavity expansion for probing of local elastic properties in soft materials. Soft Matter, 15(3), pp.381-392.
Abi-Akl, R., Abeyaratne, R. and Cohen, T., 2019. Kinetics of surface growth with coupled diffusion and the emergence of a universal growth path. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475(2221), p.20180465.
Cohen, T., Chan, C.U. and Mahadevan, L., 2018. Competing failure modes in finite adhesive pads. Soft Matter, 14(10), pp.1771-1779
Cohen, T., Kurzeja, P. and Bertoldi, K., 2017. Architected squirt-flow materials
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Lin, S.†, Cohen, T.†, Zhang, T.†, Yuk, H., Abeyaratne, R. and Zhao, X., 2016.
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Tomassetti, G., Cohen, T. and Abeyaratne, R., 2016. Steady Accretion of an
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Cohen, T., and Molinari, A., 2015, Dynamic Cavitation and Relaxation in
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Cohen, T., and Durban, D., 2015, Steady Shock Waves in Porous Plastic Solids. Int. J. Solids Struct., 71, 70-78.
Durban, D., Cohen, T. and Dafalias, Y., 2015, Solid Flow Fields and Growth of Soft Solid Mass, Procedia IUTAM, Symposium on Mechanics of Soft Active Materials, 12, 31-41.
Cohen, T., Durban, D., and Dafalias, Y., 2014, Dampening Effects on the Polymerization Rate of Actin Gel Surface Growth. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 1, 114-119.
Rodriguez-Martinez, J.A., Cohen, T., and Zaera, R., 2014, Approaching Steady Cavitation: The Time Scale in Hypervelocity Cavity Expansion in Work Hardening and Transformation Hardening Solids. Int. J. Impact. Engng., 73, 43-55.
Cohen, T., and Abeyaratne, R., 2014, Linearized Theory of Traffic Flow, arXiv:1412.7371.
Cohen, T., and Durban, D., 2014, Longitudinal Shock Waves in Solids: The Piston Shock Analogue. Proc. R. Soc. A, 470: 20130061.
Cohen, T., and Givli, S., 2014, Dynamics of a Discrete Chain with Bi-stable Elements: A Biomimetic Shock Absorbing Mechanism. J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 64, 426-439.
Cohen, T., and Durban, D., 2013, Fundamental Solutions of Cavitation in Porous Solids - A Comparative Study. Acta Mech. 224, 1695-1707.
Cohen,T., and Durban, D., 2013, Hypervelocity Cavity Expansion in Porous Elastoplastic Solids, J. Appl. Mech., 82, 011017.
Cohen, T., and Durban, D., 2013, Plastic Instabilities in Porous Cylinders Under Triaxial Conditions, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 37, 193-199.
Durban, D., Cohen, T., Hollander, Y., 2010, Plastic Response of Porous Solids with Pressure Sensitive Matrix. Mech. Re. Commun., 37, 636-641.
Masri, R., Cohen, T., and Durban, T., 2010, Enlargement of a Circular Hole in a Thin Plastic Sheet: Taylor-Bethe Controversy in Retrospect, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 63, 589-616.
Cohen, T., Masri, R., and Durban, D., 2010, Ballistic Limit Predictions with Quasi-Static Cavitation Fields, Int. J. Prot. Struct., 1, 235-255.
Cohen, T., Masri, R., and Durban, D., 2010, Shock Waves in Dynamic Cavity Expansion, J. Appl. Mech., 77, 041009.
Cohen, T. and Durban, D., 2010, Cavitation in Elastic and Hyperelastic Sheets, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 48, 52-56.
Cohen, T., Masri, R., and Durban, D., 2009, Analysis of Circular Hole Expansion with Generalized Yield Criteria, Int. J. Solids Struct., 46, 3643-3650.